
Mapping Colors

Years 2013-Present

Location: Mexico, California, Washington

Mediums: Plant Based Dyeing, Walks, Workshops, Publications

Mapping Colors is on-going research and teaching place, design, and dyeing. Started with the series of dye work done at the Guapamacataro Residency in February 2013 using bio-material found locally. Using plant material found locally on walks, forages, and drives down the highway I am interested the intricacy and ephemerality of how one understands place in everyday passing moments. The investigation opens up questions surrounding what aspects  we know of our places and how we relate to them. It calls into questions the permanent qualities of mapping by return to a changing understanding of what surrounds us.

Mapping Color-Solo Exhibition, Oakopolis, Oakland

Zine available here

Mapping Maravatio, Michoacan

Mapping Inverness

Dye Garden-Sesnon Gallery

Ecoprinting Workshop-Dragonfly Farm

Ecoprinting Workshop-Healdsburg SHED

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